Episode 28 - The Adventures of Arthur C. Clarke (Vol. II  Alive)

This week, the unfailing optimism of Athur C. Clarke, his reflections and gratitude for a life well lived. The inspiration of discovery and the power of ideas.

His lifelong passion for establishing extra terrestrial contact, and his foresight into the the threat and future of A.I. What would he think of today's UAP hearings and the conversation around artificial intelligence?

All original music and art by the creators of this podcast.

Featuring the voices of Arthur C. Clarke, John Dunn, Dick Cavett, and Commander David Fravor.



Arthur C. Clarke interview 2002

Benson, Michael. Space Odyssey. Simon & Schuster, 2019.

Time Out of Mind - Episode 1: Sir Arthur C. Clarke

ARTHUR C. CLARKE: Seven Wonders of the World

Interview with author/futurist Arthur C. Clarke, from an AT&T-MIT Conference, 1976

CBS News - Robert Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke interview with Walter Cronkite – Apollo 11