Episode 27 - The Adventures of Arthur C. Clarke (Vol. I Awake)

Our first episode dedicated entirely to Arthur C. Clarke, scientist and writer, analyzer and explorer, dreamer and creator.  A sweet and private English thinker who wrote little about himself, the laughing tropical raconteur who would boat you to a shipwreck and beat you at table tennis.

We're looking into the heart of a most down-to-earth enigma. His inspirations and loves from the sea to the stars.  The personal side of the man called the "Prophet of the Twentieth Century."

All original music and art by the creators of this podcast.

Featuring the voices of Arthur C. Clarke, John Dunn, Dick Cavett, and Commander David Fravor.



Arthur C. Clarke interview 2002

Benson, Michael. Space Odyssey. Simon & Schuster, 2019.

Time Out of Mind - Episode 1: Sir Arthur C. Clarke

ARTHUR C. CLARKE: Seven Wonders of the World

Interview with author/futurist Arthur C. Clarke, from an AT&T-MIT Conference, 1976

CBS News - Robert Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke interview with Walter Cronkite – Apollo 11