Episode 23 - STAR WARS: A Space Odyssey - Week 3!
Deep in convention mode, we're talking about the evocative orchestral music, the mythological framework of both films, and more of the crossover of talent between a galaxy far, far away and the worlds of Kubrick and Clarke.
Turing the spotlight on the essential contributions of John Williams, Joseph Campbell, Richard Edlund, and Garrett Brown. And for some reason, it's the first time "The Matrix" has come up (which, it turns out, is based on a Droids cartoon).
Plus: conclusive PROOF that "2001" and "Star Wars" share the same universe!
Featuring the voices of Dennis Muren, George Lucas, Camille Paglia, Bill Moyers, Joseph Campbell, Doug Chiang, Richard Edlund, and Harrison Ford.
Horizon (1985) How To Film The Impossible
Making Of A Myth. d. Paul Joyce (1998). ACF Productions/Lucida Productions.
Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth Ep. 1
Doug Chiang - Star Wars CELEBRATION - Designing Kenobi and The Mandalorian
Empire of Dreams: The Story of the Star Wars Trilogy (2004)
Vision Of A Future Passed. d. Gary Leva (2007). Warner Bros. Entertainment.
The Making of The Temple of Doom | Indiana Jones Behind the Scenes
Outland (1981) Official Trailer - Sean Connery, Peter Boyle
Deodato. "Also Sprach Zarathustra" - Prelude, CTI Records, 1973.