Episode 48 - HAL & SAL with Virginia Smith (2010: The Year We Make Content)
Science fiction artist, video game animator, and media science communicator Virginia Smith joins us to discuss the world's most famous computer twins.
While HAL was off flying a spaceship to Jupiter, incapable of error, his sister SAL-9000 was back in Urbana, Illinois identifying each of his mistakes, confusing mission control, and freaking out Drs. Bowman and Poole.
The similarities and differences between these silicon siblings, their own characteristics and motivations, and examining their relationship with "dad" Dr. Chandra and each other.
What it was like seeing "2010" for the first time as a teenager, and becoming a lifelong fan in 1984!
Plus: T. R. Baskin, Murphy Brown, and Mortimer Snerd. (Warning - here be SPOILERS!)
Check out Virginia Smith's artwork at thegirlinthepicture.com