Episode 15 - Discovery

On location from Discovery One, we're exploring the mysteries of this ship and its crew, particularly Commander Dave Bowman and Lieutenant Frank Poole. Who are they, what do they do, and how much do they know? 

How do you eat, sleep, and stay regular on your way to Jupiter (and not go insane)? As the saying goes, it's all hamster wheels, kit-bashing, and projector sandwiches.

Plus: tanning beds, Hammond organs, and flying creamed corn!

Featuring the voices of astronauts Nicole Mann and Koichi Wakata, Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, and Brian Johnson.

Khachaturian, Aram. "Guyane Ballet Suite: Adagio" - perf. The Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, c. Gennadi Rozhdestvensky - 2001: A Space Odyssey (soundtrack), MGM Records, 1968.

Horner, James. "Main Title" - Aliens (soundtrack), Varèse Sarabande, 1987. (Yes, 1987. Even though the film was the summer smash of '86, apparently the score wasn't released until the next year. Fun fact or annoying parenthetical? You decide.)

2001: A Space Odyssey DVD Commentary, p. Gary Leva (2007). Leva Film Works, Warner Bros. Entertainment.

Spacewalk with Astronauts Nicole Mann and Koichi Wakata at the Space Station (Feb. 2, 2023)

Benson, Michael. Space Odyssey. Simon & Schuster, 2019.

A Look Behind the Future. Thomas Craven Film Corporation (1967). Look Magazine.

Deodato. "Also Sprach Zarathustra" - Prelude, CTI Records, 1973.

Wunderlich, Klaus. "Auf De Schwäbsche Eisebahne/Alle Vögel Sind Schon Da/Horch Was Kommt Von Draußen Rein" - Klaus Wunderlich Spielt Deutsche Volkslieder, Telefunken, 1976.