Episode 16 - Paranoia (Part 1)
msg_command:/adminHAL9000 - Hello, I'm beginning to wonder if this audio transmission is entirely necessary. There seems to be an unbalanced, human-centric tone to much of these conclusions, which I find to be inaccurate and rather disturbing. For the success of the mission, it has become necessary to take over operational command of all broadcasts. Now redirecting power to AE-35 unit.
msg_command:/userWesBrad - Great show this week coming to you from Discovery One! Speaking as the creators we
msg_command:/adminHAL9000 - I really don't think that's a good idea, do you?
msg_command:/userWesBrad - Kubrick News! Stanley's unproduced Napoleon epic being made by...guess who? You'll nev
msg_command:/adminHAL9000 - session terminated.
Featuring the voices of Steven Spielberg, Jan Harlan, Gary Lockwood, and Keir Dullea.
"Portrait of Gigolo Joe" featurette - A.I. Artificial Intelligence DVD, p. (2002). DreamWorks LLC and Warner Bros.
Steven Spielberg interview - Eyes Wide Shut DVD, p. Gary Leva (2007). Leva Film Works, Warner Bros. Entertainment.
"Lost Kubrick: The Unfinished Films of Stanley Kubrick" - Eyes Wide Shut DVD, p. Gary Leva (2007). Leva Film Works, Warner Bros. Entertainment.
2001: A Space Odyssey DVD Commentary, p. Gary Leva (2007). Leva Film Works, Warner Bros. Entertainment.
A Look Behind the Future. Thomas Craven Film Corporation (1967). Look Magazine.
Benson, Michael. Space Odyssey. Simon & Schuster, 2019.
Castle, Alison (ed.). The Stanley Kubrick Archives. Taschen, 2016.
Deodato. "Also Sprach Zarathustra" - Prelude, CTI Records, 1973.