Episode 14 - HAL Origins: To the Moon and Back

We're flipping through HAL's family snapshots of all the friends that allowed him to end up in space. From the human supercomputer Katherine Johnson to the revolutionary Apollo Navigational Computer! Make some more NOIZE for Robert Noyce, it's... The Integrated Circuit!

Plus: HAL's blueprints, the military industrial complex, and building a ham & cheese sandwich-proof computer.

Kubrick News: "Portrait Of A Lady On Fire"

This Week In Science: charging planetary rovers (Windshield wipers for solar panels? Probably not.)

Featuring the voices of Katherine Johnson, Cathy Lewis, Dr. Robert Noyce, John Fitch, Eldon Hall, Ramon Alonzo, Albert Hopkins, Jack Poundstone, and Buzz Aldrin.

Robert Noyce - KTEH TV

Deodato. "Also Sprach Zarathustra" - Prelude, CTI Records, 1973.