Episode 12 - HAL Origins: The ENIAC Women and Another Tube Bites The Dust

HAL is reflecting on mother figures this week with the OGs of computer programming at ENIAC and the pioneering efforts of Eckert & Mauchley. FLASH: U.S. Army Builds Top Secret Ballistics Calculator! FLASH: Women's Contributions Undervalued! FLASH: Being Ahead Of Your Time Sucks! FLASH: Census Is Boring To Fill Out!

Plus: tea time, hot sausage machines, and steak and kidney pudding.

This Week In Science (12-17-22): the discovery of 2 million year old eDNA, Artemis I Orion splashes down from a perfect first mission, and an exciting new breakthrough in nuclear fusion...

Featuring the voices of J. Persper Eckert, Jean Bartik, Kay McNulty Mauchly Antonelli, Kathy Kleiman, and Thomas Mauchly.

Women of ENIAC, 1997 WITI Ceremony

Women of ENIAC, Part 2, 1997 WITI inducts Betty Holberton, a member of the Women of ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), into the 1997 Hall of Fame. 

Women of ENIAC, Part 3, 1997 WITI inducts Betty Holberton, a member of the Women of ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), into the 1997 Hall of Fame. 

Deodato. "Also Sprach Zarathustra" - Prelude, CTI Records, 1973.