Episode 37 - Beyond The Beyond: 2001 and the Future of VFX
Every science fiction movie since "2001" has been inspired, directly or indirectly by it, often even employing its original visual effects pioneers. For one artist, slit-scan was just the beginning...
Cinerama to IMAX to the future of moving images with MAGI - Douglas Trumbull has always been at the forefront of experiential cinema.
In films like "2001," "Silent Running," "Close Encounters," and "Blade Runner," and large format exhibitions like "To The Moon and Beyond" and "Back To The Future: The Ride" he invented and innovated his way into movie history, and ended up with a few patents along the way.
From the 1960s to his untimely death last year he left behind a massive body of experimental work that is decades ahead of current technology, paving the way for the virtual stage production of "Avatar," VR performance capture, and immersive technology to come.
Benson, Michael. Space Odyssey. Simon & Schuster, 2019.
Deodato. "Also Sprach Zarathustra" - Prelude, CTI Records, 1973.