Episode 13 - HAL Origins: Transistor Timez!
HAL remembers the glory days of UNIVAC & ERMA, and the rise of IBM. Shedding tubes for transistors and the explosion of coding in the 1950s and 1960s. Is it organics vs. machines or can we all come together? The answer is, as always, 42.
Plus: UNIVAC likes IKE, Deep Blue, and the ultimate rock'nroller Robert Noyce (NOIZE)!
Kubrick News: "Glass Onion", MINISTRY in "A.I."
This Week In Science: quantum computers break block-chain codes?
Featuring the voices of Walter Cronkite and Charles Collingwood.
The Transistor: a 1953 documentary, anticipating its...
Steven Spielberg's A.I.-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (2001) - The Flesh Fair
Telecom TV - Quantum computing will move into a different phase this year
CBS News Election Coverage: November 4, 1952
A recruiting film of IBM (1960)
Ministry. "What About Us" - single, Â Warner Bros. Records, 2001.
Deodato. "Also Sprach Zarathustra" - Prelude, CTI Records, 1973.