Episode 42 - 2024: Odysseus in Space (A Year on the Moon)
We're back on the Moon! Thanks to the success of our aptly named "Odysseus" lander, NASA and Intuitive Machines are kicking off a year full of amazing lunar landings and experiments.
As the crew of Artemis II prepare to launch next September, what could be our future on the Moon?
What are the benefits and downsides of nations or corporations leading the charge?
The importance of NASA and its core mission to benefit humanity, and the increasing gains in diversity, exciting new accelerated research, and cancer eradication experiments.
Plus: pogo sticks, surviving on the air from hot fries bags, and the continued purpose and strategy of the International Space Station (In its future, we see a wheel...)
ODYSSEUS Mission - Intuitive Machines
NASA and its core mission
A Look Behind the Future. Thomas Craven Film Corporation (1967). Look Magazine.
Deodato. "Also Sprach Zarathustra" - Prelude, CTI Records, 1973.