Episode 35 - SKYLAB Spectacular with NRL's Victor Scherrer
Episode 35 - SKYLAB Spectacular with NRL's Victor Scherrer
On this very special Thanksgiving episode we have a legendary guest, 103-year-old SKYLAB all-star Victor Scherrer of the Naval Research Laboratory, who co-designed the solar cameras for the Apollo Telescope Mount. He shares with us an intimate history of the program, the challenges and the victories of America's first space station!
PLUS: Mr. Scherrer has written an EXCLUSIVE ILLUSTRATED ARTICLE for us, detailing the origin, development and implementation of the solar cameras and each mission's responsibilities.
(Historians interested in more of Mr. Scherrer's work, email spacepodyssey2001@gmail.com to get in touch.)

Original findings published on behalf of the Naval Research Laboratory in 1975 at the International Conference on X-Rays in Space (NASA Archives at Harvard):
Original findings published on behalf of the Naval Research Laboratory in 1975 at the International Conference on X-Rays in Space (NASA Archives at Harvard):