Episode 17 - Paranoia (Part 2)
Episode 17 - Paranoia (Part 2)
KUBRICK'S HANDWRITTEN STORY NOTES on the Discovery mission are in our hands thanks to Taschen's "Stanley Kubrick Archives," edited by Alison Castle!
Is HAL confused, lying, or just bored? What are the possible consequences of training two crews separately without full disclosure? Will they or won't they use pens? It's a scavenger hunt through the mind of a genius. And what jolly good penmanship!
Plus: the inevitability of becoming an old married couple after long periods in space together. And drawing people in their sleep is slightly creepy.
Featuring the voices of us turkeys.
Castle, Alison (ed.). The Stanley Kubrick Archives. Taschen, 2016.
Deodato. "Also Sprach Zarathustra" - Prelude, CTI Records, 1973.